My Personal Journey, You can change your life.
Sixteen years ago this month my life changed forever. At just 27 years old I experienced a permanent neurological injury and fell into the workers’ compensation system. Five years into a long drawn out litigation as a lay person with only a high school diploma at the time, I fired my counsel and proceeded pro se.
Being a past young entrepreneur I knew there was a more cost effective approach for resolving claims and felt a strong connection with the workers’ compensation system. I began reading and learning everything I could about the system from all sides.
After taking over my case personally, I began teaching myself the law, writing motions, and presenting oral arguments. One year later I was able to find an amicable resolution with a cost effective approach for all parties to my own claim. I even met with the executive team at travelers insurance and past CEO Jay Fishman. It was during that meeting when I was advised to go to law school. I thought to myself, I guess I need to attend college first. Lol.
Upon the resolution of my claim I completed my BSBA in under three years and proceeded to Law School. During my time in law school I founded the PG Resolutions Group. I spent over 15 years refining and codifying the most innovative and cost effective methods for reducing administrative costs while providing an advocacy approach for resolving workers’ compensation claims.
It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you have a passion for something and truly want to make a difference.
Being a Strategic Partner for my clients today is personally fulfilling. Thank you to my team, clients, and colleagues.
You can change your life if you truly desire. When you have a passion for something or a goal, always continue working towards it each day making forward progress.
Remember the journey to your goal begins with taking the first step! It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you put your mind to something. It may be a long road but when you find your passion the end results are priceless.